Monday, December 7, 2009

A GAG Challenge!

Fun stuff here! It's time for another GAG Challenge! Should be testing what I've learned already, hope I pass :)

1. Women who lift weights will get bulky muscles.

2. "Spot reducing" (focusing on one area with exercises to see faster results in that one area) is possible.

3. Exercise boosts brain power.

4. No pain, no gain.

5. Movement melts away stress.

6. Exercise requires a hefty time commitment.

7. If you exercise, you can eat whatever you want.
FALSE!!!!!!!! I know this one for a fact!

8. There’s a magic bullet (quick fix) out there somewhere.
FALSE! But I doooo wish!

9. Exercise gives you energy.

10. All excuses aside, it's actually not that hard to find some amount of time for fitness daily.

11. You need a gym membership if you want your exercise routine to be most effective.

12. People who have exercise partners stay with their programs and reach their goals more often than those who try to go it alone.
TRUE! I totally know this one too...when I lost my partner, it was easier NOT to hit the gym!

13. Exercise helps ward off disease.

14. Exercise is good for the heart.

15. Pound for pound, muscle burns more calories at rest than body fat -- so you can eat more calories and still lose weight if you exercise regularly.

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